Nucleotide coding for organismal traits/processes

Brandon chefaudet at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 20 12:59:33 EST 2004

> The RNA polymerase, the enzyme that makes the RNA copy, recognizes
> start sites, which are on the correct strand. Look up "promoter".

Right, I have read about the promoter, but I am hung up on the part where 
there is only one codon for the start code.  So how is it that the 
polymerase gets the correct strand given that the same codon is in multiple 
locations? Does it already "know" what the base sequence is going to look 
like and there fore skips over obviously incorrect base sequences, or are 
the codons different on DNA than they are on RNA, resulting in more variety 
of start and stop codons than just start= AUG, Stop = UAA,UAG,UGA as in RNA?


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