Nucleotide coding for organismal traits/processes

Larry Farrell farrlarr at isu.edu
Tue Oct 19 10:10:57 EST 2004

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Brandon wrote:
> Sorry if this question has been asked in the past, I am studying Bio in 
> college and had a question I cannot find an answer for.
> As I understand it, DNA is 'unzipped' by protiens to make RNA which is then 
> used to execute the production of some other needed protien etc.  I know 
> that the nucleotides occur in some given order as determined by the organism 
> which is not the same order for any other organism (DNA fingerprint).  I 
> also know that the nucleotide sequence on one strand has a complementary 
> sequence on the other starnd of the 2x helix.  Since that complementary 
> sequence can also occur on the first strand, which starnd of the 2x helix is 
> used to access the info for the process?  Given the possibility, I guess, 
> that either strand could be used, the nucleotide sequences don't necessarily 
> mirror each other, so how is it that the 'correct' strand of the helix is 
> used?
> I hope this question is clear enough to be understood, any help would be 
> appreciated.
> Brandon 

Larry D. Farrell, Ph.D.
Professor of Microbiology
Idaho State University

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