post-doctoral position

Yung-Fu Chang yc42 at cornell.edu
Mon May 17 21:30:23 EST 2004

Two post-doctoral research associate positions are available for conducting 
research  in the area of leptospiral pathogenesis and recombinant/DNA 
vaccine development.  Specifically, the projects deal with cloning and 
characterization of protective antigen genes and recombinant proteins of 
Leptospira spp.  A recent Ph.D graduate with background in molecular 
biology, Microbiology, or immunology is encouraged to apply.  Please send 
CV and brief description of research experiences and three references to:

Dr. Yung-Fu Chang
Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine
Cornell University
Ithca, NY 14853.
E-mail: <mailto:yc42 at cornell.edu>yc42 at cornell.<mailto:yc42 at cornell.edu>edu
Phone: 607-253-3675

Yung-Fu Chang, DVM, MS, Ph.D
Professor of Microbiology
Department of Population Medicine & Diagnostic Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14852-5786 


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