Take a moment to protect yourself from large repair bills

Bart Lotan Amaryllislqrts at mail2Courtney.com
Thu Feb 12 09:02:38 EST 2004

Thu, 12 Feb 2004 09:01:50 -0500 -- microbio

Save-up to 60% on Extended Warranty Coverage for your Vehichle

Fair prices and prompt, toll-free claims service.  

* 24-Hour Roadside Assistance
* Car Rental Benefits
* Trip Interruption Benefits
* Extended Towing Benefits 

Did you Know? 

Most dealerships purchase their extended warranties from 
third party sources.

By going directly to one of those sources, you can save 
yourself hundreds of dollars for the same of even better 
extended warranty coverage. 
Car troubles never happen when it's convenient for you!  

Protect your vehicle and yourself from large, budget 
busting repair bills with a quality Extended Warranty 
for your Car, Truck, Van or S.U.V. 


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Candidate said he never finished high school because he was kidnapped and kept in a closet in Mexico.


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