e. coli question

John Gentile yjgent at cox.net
Thu Feb 5 21:04:26 EST 2004

in article 33cd959b.0402051352.23905c9d at posting.google.com, Michael
Carpenter at mikecarpenter2000 at hotmail.com wrote on 2/5/04 4:52 PM:

> "EK" <nobody at elnino.com> wrote in message
> news:<wpiUb.14$_4.2063 at news.uchicago.edu>...
>>> If a colony of e. coli grows on manitol salt agar, is this colony
>>> pathogenic?
>> Is this a pathogenic E.coli strain?
> It is supposed to be a strain obtained from fecal matter, which I
> would assume is not pathogenic.

You should NEVER assume anything in microbiology. An organism could be part
of normal flora in one instance and very pathogenic in another. Some people
carry organisms as part of their normal flora without any obvious signs or
symptoms, and yet these same organisms could be deadly in others. Look up
"Typhoid Mary".

John Gentile                            Editor,  Rhode Island Apple Group
yjgent at cox.net                      RIAG Web page:  www.wbwip.com/riag/
"I never make mistakes, I only have unexpected learning opportunities!"

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