Graduate Position, Arctic Soil Ecology

N10 limbic_lesion at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 19 19:28:34 EST 2004

I wish I were 23 again all power to the lucky student

N10 :)

"Mario Tenuta" <mario_tenuta at umanitoba.ca> wrote in message 
news:cpprqt$7f6$1 at canopus.cc.umanitoba.ca...
> Graduate Position in Terrestrial Elemental Cycling and Greenhouse Gas 
> Budgets Under a Future Climate at Churchill, Manitoba
> A M.Sc. or Ph.D. position is available in the Department of Soil Science 
> at The University of Manitoba in sub-arctic climate change research. The 
> research will involve establishment and monitoring of elemental and 
> greenhouse gas flux stations in plant communities in the vicinity of the 
> Churchill Northern Study Centre. In addition, manipulation of soil 
> temperature and water at selected plant communities will be done to 
> determine changes in elemental cycling and greenhouse gas budgets under a 
> future climate. The project is part of the larger Arcticnet Network of 
> Centre of Excellence (http://www.arcticnet-ulaval.ca/), specifically Theme 
> 3.2. A stipend is available ($16,500/yr) but interested students holding 
> scholarships are encouraged to apply as top-up awards are presently 
> available. The student's travel, accommodation and food expenses while at 
> the Churchill Northern Study Centre are covered under the project. The 
> Department of Soil Science at the University of Manitoba has 8 faculty 
> members covering the major fields of Soil Science and Agrometeorology. It 
> is a vibrant department with over 40 graduate students and infrastructure 
> for conducting field and laboratory research being state of the art. The 
> City of Winnipeg is one of Canada's largest cosmopolitan cities, with 
> major transportation services and outdoor activities readily accessible 
> from the city. Churchill is serviced by Via Rail and daily flights from 
> Winnipeg. The student will be co-supervised by Drs. Mario Tenuta (Soil 
> Science, University of Manitoba) and Rick Bello (York University, 
> Geography). Individuals interested in learning more about this graduate 
> opportunity can contact Mario (mario_tenuta at umanitoba.ca) or Rick 
> (bello at yorku.ca).

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