Holothurin & Holotoxin from Sea Cucumbers??

N:dlzc D:aol T:com (dlzc) "N:dlzc1.D:cox.T:net" at nospam.com
Sat Dec 4 00:54:14 EST 2004

"Toxic Tom G." <toxictomg at yahoo.com> wrote in message 
news:36e55c9f.0411301843.3ce9bd32 at posting.google.com...
> "N:dlzc D:aol T:com \(dlzc\)" <N: dlzc1 D:cox T:net at nospam.com> wrote in 
>  >

>> Note that the stuff (holothurin) is not toxic to humans, according to 
>> the
>> literature I've read.  So it may take more than all the toxin in a 
>> single
>> creature to make a "dent".

> I am surprised that the toxin isn't toxic to humans, since several 
> sources
> encourage boiling to remove toxins.  And they do kill small mammals.

Someone always has allergies.  Populations always have weak members.  Rules 
always have exceptions (except this one).  ;>)

David A. Smith 

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