Microscope power for bacteria?

Dr. Khalid Jamel Allayl allayl at uqu.edu.sa
Sun Apr 18 22:54:18 EST 2004

Dear sir 
You need a magnification X1000 to identified bacterial cells clearly. Below this mag. would not help sometimes

-----Original Message-----
From: mamcwill <mamcwill at ucalgary.ca>
To: microbio at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 15:47:00 -0600
Subject: Re: Microscope power for bacteria?

Lou wrote:
> Hi,
>  I'm helping out my daughter with a school experiment involving
> bacteria response to different disinfectant applications.
> I'm using a LW Scientific Observer II  4 - 10 - 40  scope.
> 400x seems just enough to see the critters, however, it doesn't magnify
> enough to identify them.
> I'm using a 10x eyepiece.
> If I switch to a 16x eyepiece, thus giving me 640x, would this make much of
> a difference? Is this oil immersion territory? How far can I go without
> needing oil immersion?
> Thanks for any info.
> LJ
I recommend getting a scope with 1000X and getting immersion oil.
In my experience, this would be the minimum I would use when expecting 
to get decent resolution. I realize this may be sort of a pain, though
it's probably necessary.



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