Sandia National Laboratories located in Livermore California
is seeking qualified candidates for a Scientist position in Microbiology or
Biochemistry. We are seeking persons with training in Molecular
Microbiology and/or Biochemistry. Our current area of focus is the
development of novel bio-detection systems. Candidates should possess a
PhD. and postdoctoral experience in Microbiology or a related discipline and
have experience in the Biochemistry of bacterial systems. Demonstrated skill
in protein purification and analysis is desirable. Successful candidates
should be self-motivated and capable of working both as an independent
scientist and as an integral member of a team of scientists and engineers at
Sandia National Laboratories and other institutions.
United States citizenship is required for this position.
Qualified individuals should send curriculum vitae, names
and contact information for three references, a description of research
accomplishments and interests along with up to three reprints to
Dr. Todd W. Lane
Biosystems Research Department
Sandia National Labs
MS 9951 PO box 969
Livermore, CA 94551-0969
Email twlane at