Songs about microorganisms

Lesley Robertson l.a.robertson at tnw.tudelft.nl
Mon Sep 22 10:18:48 EST 2003

"DKafkewitz" <dkafkewitz at aol.com> wrote in message
news:20030922084744.14223.00001242 at mb-m18.aol.com...
> Tom Lehrer did a song called" I got it from  Agnes" which is definitely
> microbiological, but may not be the sort of thing you had in mind.

How nice - another Lehrer fan!

There's also the Biochemist's Song Book by Harold Baum. I was about to say
that it was hard to find, when I googles and found it all over the place!
Even on the Wal Mart site... It's more enzymological (of course) but the
citric acid cycle song is good....

Google also turned up this
And this one

Well, that was more fun than reading biosafety legislation!
Lesley Robertson

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