On Sun, 07 Sep 2003 01:15:56 GMT, "Richard & Candice"
<richcandice at mchsi.com> wrote:
>While we are discussing pronounciation----what is the consensus (or lack of
>consensus) on saying Escherechia?
First, the first syllables are more like Esch-e-rich (with that last
part to be discussed further).
But the main part of your question refers to the final ich (which you
misspelled as -ech). The pronunciation of ch varies regionally in
Germany, from quite hard to quite soft. I have no idea how Herr
Escherich pronounced his own name. Not sure there would be any other
basis for choosing amongst these (though the second one seems to have
lost the ending). I think a fairly soft -ich is common in US, more
because it is easier to say that way than anything.