On Sat, 06 Sep 2003 23:17:17 GMT, Scott Coutts
<scott.coutts at med.monash.edu.au> wrote:
>Monty Arch wrote:
>> How does one verbally say the term E.coli O157:H7?
>>Yeah, I agree with Bob about the pronounciation of the strain.
>>Also, while we're on the topic, how do you guys pronounce speicies
>names with 'ae' on the end? We were having a discussion about this a
>while back and we found that lots of people say them in different
Yeah, I agree with Scott about that.
>I'd be interested to hear what others think. Of course there
>are lots of bugs that have this sound on the end, but here's an
>example for people to give their opinion: 'pneumoniae'. We were
>interested in the 'ae' parts of species names, not any other part so
>the 'new' or 'noo' part is irrelevant. Here are the ways that people
>in our department pronounce the 'ae' on species names:
>> new-moh-nee (or noo-moh-nee)
> new-moh-nee-ay (or noo-moh-nee-ay)
> new-moh-nee-ah (or noo-moh-nee-ah)
I wonder whether some of those people even pronounce it consistently.
Seems to me people tend to just punt when they get to such a
The third one is a familiar word -- just not this word.
I think I lean toward the 2nd, but probably end up making it sound
more like the first. Or maybe noo-moh-n'yay (where the last two
syllables of your second one are partially slurred together).
How do you pronoucne Coutts?