Comprehensive Microbiology Information

Al bugs007 at tggweb.com
Tue Oct 21 14:21:23 EST 2003


Microbes.info is a new website directing users to information on
microbiology. This free site, www.microbes.info, is a collection of
annotated links organized into 16 handy top-level categories. Linked
information includes breaking news, articles and frequently asked
questions. www.microbes.info eliminates the clutter, reduces the
amount of content presented by conventional search engines, and
facilitates organized research.

The site welcomes a full spectrum of visitors, from school children
interested in learning about gunk-eating bacteria, to academics
interested in microbial taxonomy or tracking down links to resources
with related content. According to webmaster Dr. Al Chan: "The value
of this new site lies in our ability to organize the many thousands of
pages of microbiology-related information on the web, consolidate it,
and make this knowledge relevant to everybody." Dr. Chan excitedly
adds: "And we provide the information on www.microbes.info at no cost.
This is my life's work. I get joy from enabling people to understand
more about this fascinating world that lives among us."

Microbes.info site associates scan the web for information of interest
to the microbiology community and update the website frequently.

Dr. Frederick C. Neidhardt, President of the Waksman Foundation for
Microbiology, called www.microbes.info "impressive,"saying that it is
"outstanding in its content, organization, accuracy, and timeliness of
the information."

Science magazine hailed www.microbes.info as a website for novices and
researchers alike. "Undergrads will find a wealth of sites on
microbial ecology, specific groups and diseases, and practical uses of
bugs such as bioremediation and other chemical discharges," the review
reads in part. "Also useful for students are links to more than 300
non-technical articles on everything from a brain parasite that makes
rats less afraid of cats to the use of genetically altered bacteria to
thwart tooth decay. Geared for academics are offerings such as
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's guidelines for protecting
buildings from biological and chemical attack (no mention of duct
tape) and the University of Idaho's taxonomy of plant viruses. The
site also features links to more than 180 microbiology journals and a
host of jobs sites and professional societies."


For more information on how to list your microbiology related website
on www.microbes.info, please visit the site and use the "contact us"
web form.

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