enrichment samonella

Des O'Connor des at genelab.plus.com
Sun Oct 19 05:24:39 EST 2003

"Dave L" <dave_the_glammy_fan at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:bmrsnr$q200g$1 at ID-171757.news.uni-berlin.de...
> "wolf mirkus" <newt383 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:f8a58ff1.0310180227.15cc26c6 at posting.google.com...
> > We are doing analysis of salmonella in foodstuff with a low background
> > contamination, but heat stressed MO. Until now we have used for 2°
> > enrichment RV-broth. The discussion has come up that RV would not be
> > the best alternative for enrichment, as it is a strong selective
> > broth, a lighter broth would be better?
> > Do you have ideas on this topic?
> >
> > Thank you very much for your contribution!
> > mirkusmirkus from Switzerland
> Mueller-Kauffman will be (or is) the new ISO method.
> Cystein selenite broth is the other alternative.
> If the background contamination is low enough then selective enrichment
> be unnecessary.
> Dave

I  have always considered RV to be the least hostile of  avialable range of
selctive enrichment
broths for Salmonella, assuming your  potential isolates are not Methylene
blue sensitive and will grow at 42.5'c.

Bolderdyke  has published papers  on a semi solid medium  based on the RV
forumulation for motility enrichment
of Salmonellae from confectionary products which reports high sentivity in
the recovery of motile Salmonella from a wide
range of groups.

If you have the time and resources and are concerned about  recovery of low
numbers after a selective enrichment
you could try subculture from your broths  to M broth as addtional
precautionary step.

Best Des

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