Nanobiotechnology: Commercial Opportunities from Innovative Concepts

Amy Cole amy.cole at researchandmarkets.com
Mon Oct 13 11:59:27 EST 2003

I enclose details of our nanobiotech report.

The overall market impact of nanobiotech applications is projected to reach nearly $300 billion within the next 12 years.

Nanobiotechnology is the application of nanotechnology - the study of things on the "nano" scale, where a nanometer is one billionth of a meter (10-9 meter)-within the life sciences. 

The primary goal of fusing these industries is to invent devices that combine engineering and biology-thus, bioengineering of the super-small. 

With applications already under way, near-term results are expected. 

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The potential impact of products built around nanobiotechnology is tantalizing:

?Tiny machines that roam the body, finding and destroying viruses or cancer cells

?Superfast drug discovery at a fraction of today's cost

?Ultraspecific drug targeting

?Biosensors (for pollutants) not possible with current technology

?Medical devices that use biomotors with moving parts no larger than a protein

Nanobiotechnology Briefing introduces and describes the core components of nanotechnology and its applications within the life sciences industry. Further, the boundaries for products from nanobiotechnology are described, as well as companies involved in this field.

Unique Benefits of this Briefing:

?Market growth opportunities are identified from numerous exhibits detailing market applications, both near-term and long-term

?The potential benefit for this marketplace is recognized through an overview of the applications of nanotechnology in the life sciences industry, both in research and medicine

?Business approaches and value propositions of recently established multiple niches of nanobiotechnology applications are identified through in-depth profiles

?The overall position of this technology in today's society is presented via an introduction and history of nanotechnology in an easy-to-read and readily absorbed format
Fusing Industries: 

In the last few years, technologies previously used aggressively in the semiconductor space, such as microfabrication, have been implemented in biotechnology, resulting in a large number of small companies backed with venture dollars. 

Many biopharma executives may not yet have heard of these companies. On the flip side, nanotech companies looking to apply their technologies to the life sciences industry must become familiar with the leading biotech and pharma companies.
Executives in both the nanotechnology and biopharma industries must learn about their new competitors (and potential partners) in order to gain market share in this emerging sector.

Nanotechnology and life sciences are colliding - Do you know your new competitors?
Companies Profiled:

ACLARA BioSciences
C Sixty
Caliper Technologies
Carbon Nanotechnologies
Cell Robotics International
Life Sensors
Luna nanoMaterials
Quantum Dot
US Genomics

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Report Pricing:
Hard Copy   EUR 2,135
Electronic   EUR 2,135
CD-ROM   EUR 2,135


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Thank you for your consideration.

Kind Regards,

Amy Cole
Senior Manager
Research and Markets Ltd
amy.cole at researchandmarkets.com

Nanobiotechnology: Commercial Opportunities from Innovative Concepts
Publisher Name: Drug and Market Development Publishing
Date Published: 01/04/02
Number of Pages: 116
Category: Technology
URL: www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/4046

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