Historians believe that in newspost
<wb_eb.4415$e6.140421 at twister2.libero.it> on Thu, 2 Oct 2003, Agostino
Fricano <agfrican at libero.it> penned the following literary masterpiece:
>What is the major dimension of antibiotic cluster cloned in recent past ?
>Can you indicate papers of this essay ?
Go to Pubmed, (can be found via Google or use the BioExplorer IE
toolbar), type in "antibiotic cluster cloned" and it will come up with
umpteen papers, the most recent being Chembiochem. 2003 Sep 5;4(9):821-8
with a 36.7kb insert in a cosmid with a 20kb or so pathway region.
I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing noise they make as
they go flying by.
Duncan Clark
GeneSys Ltd.