Flourescent stain for Ralstonia?

Scott Coutts scott.coutts at med.monash.edu.au
Thu Oct 2 18:40:42 EST 2003

What do you need to do with them? Does it have to be the membrane 
itself? or just the 'perimiter' of the cell? Does it suit your 
application to do an antibody mediated stain? Because if you cant 
find anything else, then you could use anti-LPS antibodies.

You can get lipids that will incorporate into membranes but I'm not 
sure what labels you can get attached to them and unfortunately I 
dont have the reference for it!

Adam Lawrence wrote:
> Hi-
> Does anyone know of a blue or green fluorescent stain that will 
> selectively stain the cell wall or cell membrane of gram-negative 
> bacteria (Ralstonia eutropha)?  Or does anyone have any guesses on 
> stains that might work or companies I might try?  I struck out with 
> Molecular Probes and google is driving me nuts!
> Thanks!
> Adam

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