Undelivered mail: [unknown-subject]

DrWeb-DAEMON avadmin at uj.edu.pl
Thu Oct 2 03:01:04 EST 2003

Dear User,

the message sent to you by fyda at eko.eko.uj.edu.pl (may be forged) with following 
attributes has not been delivered, because contains an infected object.

--- Dr.Web report ---
Following virus(es) has been found:
infected with Win32.HLLM.Gibe.2

Dr.Web detailed report:
drweb.tmp.hBiqDa/[text/html] - Ok
drweb.tmp.hBiqDa/hpoo.exe infected with Win32.HLLM.Gibe.2

Dr.Web scanning statistic:
Infected : 1

--- Dr.Web report ---

The original message was stored in archive record named: 
In order to receive the original message, please send request to 
<avadmin at uj.edu.pl>, referring to the archive record name 
given above.

   Antivirus service provided by Dr.Web(R) Daemon for Unix
   (http://www.drweb.ru, http://www.dials.ru/english)
-------------- next part --------------

Wiadomo?? wys?ana spod adresu fyda at eko.eko.uj.edu.pl (adres ten mo?e by? sfa?szowany) 
zawieraj?ca wymienione poni?ej atrybuty nie zosta?a dostarczona, 
poniewa? zawiera zainfekowany obiekt.

--- Dr.Web report ---
Wykryto nast?puj?ce wirusy:
infected with Win32.HLLM.Gibe.2

Szczeg??owy raport programu Dr.Web:
drweb.tmp.hBiqDa/[text/html] - Ok
drweb.tmp.hBiqDa/hpoo.exe infected with Win32.HLLM.Gibe.2

Statystyka testowania Dr.Web:
Infected : 1

--- Dr.Web report ---

Oryginalna wiadomo?? zosta?a zapisana pod nazw?:

Aby otrzyma? oryginaln? wiadomo?? nale?y zwr?ci? si? pod adres
<avadmin at uj.edu.pl>, za??czaj?c wymienion? powy?ej nazw?.

   Test antywirusowy zosta? przeprowadzony przy u?yciu 
   Demona Dr.Web(R) dla systemu Unix
-------------- next part --------------
Received: from eko.eko.uj.edu.pl []
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FROM: "Internet Email System" <mmaildaemon at freemail.com>
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