Thanks a lot for taking the time to answer my questions.
in article cIwxb.30071$aT.25126 at, Scott Coutts at
scott.coutts at wrote on 11/27/03 7:32 PM:
> Oh, forgot about your other question.
>> I dont know much about that, but an interesting question. From a quick
> look aroung it seems that you can have two chicks from one double-yolk
> egg, and they would be seperate. Conjoined or 'Siamese' twins dont
> usually result from eggs and neither do monozygotic twins (i.e. both
> from the same egg). When two eggs are released at the same time, they
> can both be fertilised and the chicken's egg producing organs seal them
> both up in the same shell. Apparently, they usually dont both survive,
> or both of them are small.
>> Scott.