Post-measles vaccination diarrhoea in infant - could standard faeces lab tests find virus?

John Gentile yjgent at cox.net
Wed Nov 26 20:39:01 EST 2003

in article j289sv896ngf6365p1qs98l9h3v1qpggqf at 4ax.com, Glutinous at
glutinosity@$yahoo$.co.uk wrote on 11/26/03 7:58 AM:

> As the subj line says, I have an 18-month baby with fairly serious
> diarrhoea, lasting about 5 days now, following a measles jab.
> Since measles is associated with compromising the lining of the gut,
> we are fairly convinced this illness was initiated by the measles
> innoculation.
> We are about to return a faeces culture to our doctor's clinic.  The
> accompanying form requests standard faeces culture and faeces parasite
> tests.  There is also a virology / serology lab section, which has a
> space for specifying 'other investigations'.
> I am wondering whether it would be worth specifying testing for the
> measles virus, or its effects, but am unsure of the terminology.
> The reason I'm asking here is because in the UK there's a big issue
> over the MMR jab, and we have chosen to go for three separate
> vaccinations.  I am concerned that our doctor, in a clinic which
> promotes MMR as 100% safe, will not take our request seriously, and
> want to present as detailed a case as possible for specifying this lab
> test.
> Any comments gladly received!  As you willo appreciate, this is a
> time-sensitive issue, so sooner than later wouod be good for me...
> Thank you.

I don't think I've heard of any measles vaccine causing diarrhea. There are
a lot of childhood illnesses that occur normally and coincidentally around
the time of a vaccine shot. They are not related and the diarrhea would have
probably have happened anyway. A very common childhood diarrhea is caused by
the Rotavirus and is usually a limited course, provided that proper
nutrition and hydration are provided.
Any diarrhea should be investigated if it doesn't go away in a few days. 5
days is too long and should be reported to the doctor. Even without the
vaccine entering into the picture you should call. If it is a viral diarrhea
there isn't much to do except to prevent dehydration.
John Gentile                            Secretary,  Rhode Island Apple Group
yjgent at cox.net                      RIAG Web page:  www.wbwip.com/riag/
"I never make mistakes, I only have unexpected learning opportunities!"

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