Question about the fingerprint of identical twins

Scott Coutts scott.coutts at med.monash.edu.au
Sun Nov 23 18:47:48 EST 2003

Hiya Free Spirit,

The short answer is: No, they dont have the same finger prints!

They're very similar, but your finger print is not solely defined by 
your genetics. It is mostly, but small parts of it are defined by your 
environment. For example, the temperature and nutrition can change your 
prints. Anyhow, here's some info about it.


If you do a google search for "fingerprint identical twins" then you'll 
find more than you need on the topic (:


Free Spirit wrote:
> Hi there,
> Could anybody tell me whether or not identical twins have the same
> fingerprint?
> Thank you very much.
> ZR

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