Fluorescence microscope needed, UK

Graham Shepherd muhero.nospam at globalnet.co.uk
Tue Nov 4 17:15:00 EST 2003

"Alpa Kanji" <ank24 at mole.bio.cam.ac.uk> wrote in message
news:bo8a89$7up$1 at pegasus.csx.cam.ac.uk...
> I am a PhD student in Cambridge looking to use a fluorescence microscope.
> Does anyone have access to this (to use with a category 2 organism) with a
> high speed camera (shutter speed of 1/500s) and an ion laser capable of
> strobing at 60Hz?? I would be very grateful to use it for a short space of
> time. Any costs could be paid (within reason!).
> Many thanks

Sorry, can't help with equipment, but the setup sounds interesting. When I
was working with fluorescent microphotography (using incident light
fluorescence) the main problem was the long exposure times needed (several
seconds), and the quenching of fluorescence that occurred. (This was quite a
long time ago.)  The laser is presumably to combat the quenching, but even
so, 1/500 second seems a very short exposure. Would you care to let us know
what you'll be doing?


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