I hope this is not too far off topic. I would like some advice informed by microbiology and perhaps
cell biology. Let me set the background, and then my questions will follow. I am at a point of
decision that can affect my career.
I am presented an opportunity to work in a biochemistry/molecular biology lab, partly as a
technician and partly as a researcher with my own project. This is a lab in medical research, and
its research focuses on the function and regulation of a particular family of proteins that have to
do with some forms of cancer. The lab deals with mammalian cells only, so not prokaryotes.
I have background training in scientific research during which I read and learn quite a bit about
microbiology and biochemistry, but I have no hands-on experience. I want to learn some lab skills
and biochemical techniques, as well as to work with cells. But eventually, I hope to work with
My questions:
1. The PI of the lab is willing to train me and teach me from the ground up, but she wants a
minimum of 2 years of commitment from me. Is two years too much time for me to committee myself?
2. If I do work there, will the skills and techniques (in an area of cancer research with mammalian
cells) that I will learn transferrable to study bacteria?