fermentation of coli and plasmid stability

Ede bggfg at gmx.de
Mon May 12 13:45:24 EST 2003

On Mon, 12 May 2003 10:10:08 +0100, Duncan Clark <junk@[]>

>Historians believe that in newspost 
><3EBB385C.6080700 at biotech.NOSPAM.ntnu.no> on Fri, 9 May 2003, Trond Erik 
>Vee Aune <trondaun at biotech.NOSPAM.ntnu.no> penned the following literary 
>>You could try using some kind of partition (par) or killer system (i.e. 
>I agree fully. Look for a paper in Biotechnology Vol 6 December 1988 p 
>1402-1405 by Kenn Gerdes with hok/sok on a small 580bp cassette. 
>Stabilisation factor of 1000 for pBR322 and 10000 for pACYC, p15 ori, 
I`m working in a biotech company and when i use this hok/sok system it
have to be patent free. somebody have informations 
More about my plasmid: Its a high copy plasmid with an kanamycin
cassette, but in an industrial process you cannot use antibiotics, and
this plasmid is to express proteins (whatelse) but the thing is that
plasmdi free cells overgrow cells with plasmids. So the process is
shit, but i have to show at the end of the fermentation that most of
the cells still have the plasmid!!! I hope somebody have an idea

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