Primer Help!

tejasvi_kommula at loomis.org tejasvi_kommula at loomis.org
Sat May 10 19:39:05 EST 2003

Help me solve this, I have no clue how to:

You are given a 2kbp length of double-stranded DNA and three possible single-stranded DNA primers. You are also told that one pair will give a nice PCR product of 300bp, containing an sequences from the 2kbp DNA. However, another pair gives an amplified DNA product that is only 26bp in lenght. From primers A, B, C, below pick the pair that will give the 300bp product and pick the other pair that gives the 26bp product.


You are also told that the 2kbp piece of DNA has the following structure at the beginning:-


Explain your reasons for choosing the pairs of primers.


Any help is much appreciated!


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