"Lesley Robertson" <l.a.robertson at tnw.tudelft.nl> wrote in message news:b9fqup$o6p$1 at news.tudelft.nl...
>> "G.M.Voeth" <None at NoEmailsByThisRoute.123> wrote in message
> news:r3Eua.146243$ja4.6800362 at bgtnsc05-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...> > Hello,
> >
> > I am posting here just to find some answers.
> >
> > Awhile ago I purchased a 1 gallon plastic
> > jug of drinking water sold by Safeway as
> > a Safeway Brand. It went into storage for
> > two to three weeks before being used.
> > Just the other day I cracked the seal
> > and poured a mug of water and there was
> > this white fibrous, filamentous mass
> > suspended in the water.
>> It sounds like a mould. Do they claim that the water has been sterilised? Do
> they give a "use by" date? Most water contains trace organics, atc. Unless
> it's sterile, leave it to stand long enough and something will grow. The
> chances of it being dangerous are pretty slim, however. The selective
> pressures for growth in nutrient-poor conditions such as this do not favour
> the sort of bugs that like to grow in warm, nutrient rich mammalian bodies.
> Like the others who've answered, I don't understand why you prefer to drink
> stagnant water from a bottle. If you're in a high-chlorine area, all you
> really need is a filter jug to remove it. Tap water's fresher.
> Lesley Robertson
The water here is extremely high in dissolved salts like
calcium carbonate and other solids. If my coffee maker
is to live a decent life I must use purified water
of some kind that removes the total dissolved solids.
Stagnant water does not bother me because H2O today
is still H20 12 months later. What bothers me is that
organisms can seem to grow in water that by all rights
should have no nutrients in it whatsoever. The
water is supposedly purified by reverse osmosis
which I understand is one of the best ways to purify.
It should be about as pure as distilled water.
Either the filters that the water in question
passed through were malfunctioning or the water
was not really filtered at all. Sometimes I wonder
if a tanker truck might just pull up to a fire plug
someplace and that is where these water companies
are getting their water from. I have never seen
any water company that advertises their water
as being free from dangerous biological/chemical contamination.
It must be too darn hard for this high tech country to
do such a thing. Now I have tried drinking distilled
water before and that is terrible. I know that trace
elements in the form of certain inorganic chemicals need to be
present. I have no argument with this idea. It is only the
micro-bio activity within the water that I object to.
Whatever was growing in that water was long stringy
white filaments that are bunched up in masses
like so much cotton. This profile must fit the characteristics
for some kind of organism that somebody here can pin a name
on. It floats with neutral bouncy within the drinking water.
If you can not answer this question with some possible
scientific names then please do not answer my news-threads.
I am trying to get scientific names for the organism that
this could be so that I can look up more about it.
G. M. Voeth
No Emails. Too Many Spams.