fermentation of coli and plasmid stability

Trond Erik Vee Aune trondaun at biotech.NOSPAM.ntnu.no
Fri May 9 00:10:52 EST 2003

Ede wrote:
> Hi there,
> is anybody there who can give me an idea, how i can solve the problem
> of low plasmid stability during a fermentation in coli. The problem is
> i cannot select with antibiotics. If somebody knows how i can increase
> the stability of my plasmid it would be great. also if somebody have a
> good review or so about this problem

You could try using some kind of partition (par) or killer system (i.e. 
hok/sok). Partition systems (mostly found on low-copy plasmids, I think) 
make sure that at least a copy of each plasmid is partitioned to each 
cell at division. Killer systems kill off cells without plasmid. In this 
way it's better to use a partitioning system than a killer system, since 
the effect of the last one reduces growth rate.

I'll look for references when I get to school.

Trond Erik

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