Contaminated water bottled & Sold by Safeway

John Gentile yjgent at cox.net
Thu May 8 22:17:34 EST 2003

In <r3Eua.146243$ja4.6800362 at bgtnsc05-news.ops.worldnet.att.net> G.M.
Voeth wrote:
> Hello,
> I am posting here just to find some answers.
> Awhile ago I purchased a 1 gallon plastic
> jug of drinking water sold by Safeway as
> a Safeway Brand. It went into storage for
> two to three weeks before being used.
> Just the other day I cracked the seal
> and poured a mug of water and there was

Here is a perfect example of a hyped up product costing more money and 
for little benefit.

The biggest danger is that when they "filter" the water they remove the 
chlorine to make the water taste better. However it is the chlorine that 
prevents contaminants from growing in water. That is why town drinking 
water is treated with it. We see very few cases of water borne disease 
since they started treating drinking water about 100 years ago.

Now the new age stuff about "natural" products will also introduce the 
natural phenomenon of bacterial, fungal or other microbial contamination. 
Natural is not necessarily better. There are many organisms that can 
grow pretty well in "plain water". There will be enough stuff in there 
for the organisms to feed on.

Don't be mislead by the claims that natural is better or that bottled 
water is superior to tap water. If you really need to buy water get it 
from a water dispenser company - the 5 gallon size. I think those are 
still purified.


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