I am posting here just to find some answers.
Awhile ago I purchased a 1 gallon plastic
jug of drinking water sold by Safeway as
a Safeway Brand. It went into storage for
two to three weeks before being used.
Just the other day I cracked the seal
and poured a mug of water and there was
this white fibrous, filamentous mass
suspended in the water. I thought that
was odd so I dumped it out and poured
another mug. To my surprise there was
even more of the stuff. So I held the jug
up to the light and I could see a lot
of this stuff floating around in what was a
sealed container. I called Safeway and they
took down a bunch of information and everything
but said nothing at all about analyzing the
contamination to see what it is. So that is why
I am here now trying to find out what kind
of bacteria will grow and thrive in what is
supposed to be filtered drinking water.
This cottony looking stuff might be
quite dangerous but no one is willing
to test it to see what it is and I am
living on Social Security so I do not
have enough money to pay a laboratory
to test it. On the chance that someone
here is thoroughly familiar with different
kinds of biohazards I ask this question:
What kinds of bacteria might be living
in bottled water that matches this description ?
Are they dangerous or are they common or
just what is the story about bacteria living
in everyday drinking water ?
One other thing, this gallon of water was
well within the expiration date indicated
on the jug of SEP21. I had another unopened
bottle with the very same date and it was A-Ok.
Geoffrey M. Voeth
No Emails. Too Many Spams.