odor as a microbial biosignatures

Martin Weiss mweiss at nyscience.org
Tue May 6 15:10:49 EST 2003

	I am looking for examples of odors produced by bacteria that 
do not rely on organics for example, like Shewanella oneidensis 
famous for their yucky smell (it was formerly named Shewanella 
putrefaciens), and this organism can respire metal, that is it can 
reduce Fe or Mn for its respiration.


Martin Weiss, Ph.D.
Director of Science
New York Hall of Science
47-01 111 th Street
Corona, New York 11368
phone: 718 699 0005 x 356
facsimile:718 699 1341
mweiss at nyhallsci.org

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