sources of funding for MSc in Fungal Taxonomy

Begoude Boyogueno Aime-Didier dbegoude at yahoo.fr
Fri Jan 24 07:49:37 EST 2003

Hi everybody,
I am looking for funding for at least an MSc in Pure and Applied  
Fungal Taxonomy.I'm a young cameroonian working as a scientist with
the local biocontrol team of plant diseases. We are dealing with a
huge amount of fungi without any information on them, and the lacking
of a local proficiency on fungal taxonomy is increasingly an
impediment to the advancement of our work.
Since two years,I have been desperately looking for fellowship of any
nature which would help me to get the proficiency in that aspect of
science and become more useful for not only my country, but also the
neighboring ones which deal on biocontrol without any nearly fungal
specialist.That's why I'm adressing you this request because I'm
convince to gain much with your help.
References, cv etc. is available upon request.

Truly yours.

Begoude Boyogueno Aime-Didier
agricultural Engineer
Biocontrol and Applied Microbiological Unit 
Cameroonian agricultural research Agency(IRAD)
BP: 2067 yaoundé-cameroon
Tel:(237)794 37 81

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