agaricus home-culture

Philipp Wechner philip*.wechner at uibk.ac.at
Mon Jan 20 07:24:18 EST 2003

Hi there!

I just started growing Agaricus in home-culture (i bought a set
containing a block of substrat inoculated with the fungus and some earth
to put over this substrat).
Right now i see the first results - means the first fungi form on the
surface - i will harvest them soon.
now to my question: the provider of the material says that the fungi
stop growing after some 3 months - and that i will have to purchase
another set after that.
and as a microbiologist i do not trust him - i want to do a continuous
culture of the fungi

does anybody have experience with agaricus-culture? maybe someone can
tell me the compsition of the substrat - so that i can inoculate it on
my own - to continue my culture.

is compost ok?

cu Philipp
(change * to p in my email adress if you want to send me one)

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