Bacterial Slant Cultures

Peter M. Muriana muriana at okway.okstate.edu
Fri Jan 17 09:58:41 EST 2003

Well, you can let the slants 'dry out' a bit before using them.  Keep the
screw caps loosened a little (the same as you would have them coming out of
the autoclave)....and let the rack sit on the bench for a day before
tightening the caps and storing them.  It's much the same with petri
plates....if you freshly pour some stacks of plates and then bag them and
place them in the fridge, you'll get more condensation in the bag then if
you allow the plates to sit a bit on the bench (1 day) to lose some of that

- Peter

"cellen" <g.haveland at telia.com> wrote in message
news:InsU9.6031$LY2.351333 at newsc.telia.net...
> Hi, you had to work in the same temp. as they are incubated in!
> "keicheng" <keiagy at starhub.net.sg> skrev i meddelandet
> news:3e0dcf46 at news.starhub.net.sg...
> > Hi
> >
> > We are keeping our bacteria on agar slants and keep them in the fridge
> 4C
> > after incubation in the incubator.
> > However, we notice that there is a lot of condensation in the tube and
> > the agar such that the bacteria on the agar is "washed".  Is there any
> > we can over come this problem?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Kei
> >
> >

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