Bindings within a quartary structure

"Erik Ljungström" <erik@northernmost.org>"@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk "Erik Ljungström" <erik at northernmost.org>" at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Tue Jan 14 10:38:11 EST 2003


This post will probably be a bit confusing since I do not have all the
English words for discussing biology, but I'll give it a try.

In a polypepdit chain there are bindings between amino acids, right?
So, my questions is, when these chains comes into the quertary (fourth)
structure, is there any possibilities for bindings left? Does the
polypeptid chains bind together through sulphur bindings, or are they
"free" ? 

Thank you in advance!

	-> Erik Ljungström (erik at northernmost.org)
	-> ipv4: http://www.northernmost.org
	-> ipv6: http://freebsd.northernmost.org
	-> Norrköping, Sweden 

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