Recommendations for a Student?

Lesley Robertson l.a.robertson at tnw.tudelft.nl
Tue Jan 14 04:23:20 EST 2003

"Pnakotus" <utoshi at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:lpHU9.1457$Pw.1307 at news1.central.cox.net...
> I am about to reenter the academic life and would like to know if anyone
> any recommendations on how to go about finding a good undergraduate school
> to begin a career as a microbiologist?
Decide which line you want to follow - food, environemtnal, medical, etc,
and then have a look at the literature in that area to see where the best
publications from. It would help to know which country you're in. That sort
of info is always useful in making suggestions.
Lesley Robertson

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