Bacterial Slant Cultures

cellen g.haveland at telia.com
Mon Jan 13 00:59:20 EST 2003

Hi, Im sorry, I didn´t read the ? så well. If it is condensation i the
incubator, It has  to do whit the defrosting I think!

"keicheng" <keiagy at starhub.net.sg> skrev i meddelandet
news:3e0dcf46 at news.starhub.net.sg...
> Hi
> We are keeping our bacteria on agar slants and keep them in the fridge at
> after incubation in the incubator.
> However, we notice that there is a lot of condensation in the tube and on
> the agar such that the bacteria on the agar is "washed".  Is there any way
> we can over come this problem?
> Thanks
> Kei

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