TB or not TB?

Larry Farrell farrlarr at isu.edu
Sun Jan 5 17:56:03 EST 2003

auntie_biotic wrote:

> From a sputum sample described as "Normal Upper Respiratory tract flora".
> AFB was not seen.
> The sample was cultured for TB
> Declared negative after 4 weeks.
> One month later the same sample was noted to have a microbacterium s.p.
> After being sent for identification and culture sensitivity it was reported
> some 5 weeks later as:
> "M. Chelonae Common Environmental saprophyte
> The patient is HIV negative
> I would like to ask the following
> 1.    From this sample can it be said that there is evidence of
> microbacterium infection?
> 2.    Was M. Chelonae cultured or was it already present in the sample?
> 3.    Has a TB organism been cultured?
> 4.    Is M. Chelonae in this setting a cause of TB?
> A very genuine enquiry
> --
> auntie_biotic
> http://www.tbandu.co.uk

You would be much better advised to raise these questions with your health care
provider.  After all, *anyone* can post on newsgroups, whether they know
anything about the topic or not.

Larry D. Farrell, Ph.D.
Professor of Microbiology
Idaho State University

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