mold fruiting bodies in helical pattern

martin weiss mweiss at nyscience.org
Thu Jan 2 15:20:58 EST 2003

A colleague when repairing an outdoor lighting fixture noticed what he 
thought was a logo on the underside of the fixture. When he looked 
closer he noticed short very thin stalks in a helical pattern with a 
ovoid shaped white structure at the tip. I think they are fruiting 
bodies of a mold growing upside down attached to this light fixture 
which I think is made of metal. They are now right side up and they have 
not bent or fallen. Any ideas on identication or what is influincing the 
helical growth pattern?


Martin Weiss
Director of Science
New York Hall of Science
47-01 111 th Street
Corona, New York 11368
mweiss at nyscience.org


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