Biogeoscience 2003

Gavin Chan gavin at zonvark.wustl.edu
Tue Sep 10 00:31:05 EST 2002

>U.S. Federal
>-       National Science Foundation (NSF)
>Research in Biogeosciences (BioGeo)
>Deadline: December 6, 2002
>This is the first announcement in the new Biogeosciences Program of the
>Directorate for Geosciences and will focus this year on microbial
>processes in two topical elements. The first topic emphasizes
>understanding microbial processes affecting geological materials:
>microbial strategies in environments unique to microbial life,
>interpreting current microbial interactions with geologic media,
>identifying past records of such interactions, understanding microbial
>adaptations to current geologic alterations and deciphering the record of
>such adaptations in the past. The second focus, on methods for study of
>geomicrobial processes includes: model systems, geochemical methods and
>nanoscale investigations. (NSF-02-172)

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