looking for lab experience

calva metallikoo at hotmail.com
Mon Sep 2 03:07:04 EST 2002

We are two Italian students, attending the graduating course in
biotechnology at the University Of Bologna, Italy. We are looking forward to
learning more about work and research world and improving our skills.
We are looking for any institution (a center, a university, any lab to work
in) that could give us the chance of practising our knowledge, if possible
during next summer.
If you have some proposals or you know of any possibility, please write us
Even if you want to give us any advice, it will be very helpfull!
Herewith we write a list of the exams and courses we took until today.
Please reply at this  e-mail address   vincenzocalvanese at hotmail.com

Thank you in advance,
Vincenzo Calvanese
Ettore Marzocchi

Done exams :
- Mathematics
- Informatics
- General Chemistry
- Physical Chemistry
- Biology
- Genetics
- Organic Chemistry
- Physics
- Cellular Biology
- Biochemistry
- Microbiology
- Cellular Biochemistry
- Immunology
- Molecular Biology
- Molecular Genetics
- Histology
- Anatomy
- Bioethics
- Informatics
- Organic Chemistry
- Cell Cultures
- Physics
- Microbiology
- Recombinant Technologies
- Histology
Attending courses next year with laboratories:
- Analithical chemistry
- Structural biochemistry
- Biochemical methods
- Biophysics
- General Physiology
- Cell Physiology
- Organic Chemistry of DNA
- Physical methods in Organic Chemistry
- Biorganic Chemistry
- Pharmacology
- Cell Toxicology
- Medical Microbiology
- Virology
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry

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