operating theatre environmental monitoring

Brian zhil at online.no
Sat Mar 30 20:35:25 EST 2002

"Davin C. Enigl" <enigl at aol.com> skrev i melding
news:3ca65fb0.12345912 at news.earthlink.net...
> On Sat, 30 Mar 2002 15:27:59 GMT, John Gentile <yjgent at cox.net> wrote:
> >Years ago we used to do air sampling cultures and surface touch cultures. We
> >found that the information was totally useless. Does JCAHO mandate cultures
> >or colony counts, or just the word monitoring? Our Infection Control nurse
> >monitors these things by a variety of epidemiological methods - not to
> >include routine cultures.
> >--
> >John Gentile                            President,  Rhode Island Apple Group
> >yjgent at cox.net                      RIAG Web page:  www.wbwip.com/riag/
> >"I never make mistakes, I only have unexpected learning opportunities!"
> 1)  There is a routine trend analysis SOP with microcultures of floor
> sanitation (RODACs), and other critical control points (swabs). It is
> basically an ongoing validation of sanitization.  There is also a test
> for efficacy of disinfectants.
> 2)  Then, there are special projects.  Those oare wide open.  The
> triggers are usually, as you say, epidemiological analysis or as
> results from the trend analysis show something.
> 3)  Also, the janitorial staff, need someone "watching" them or they
> don't do the sanitization propperly, if at all!

Sounds like TNB to me.....

> 4) We need to validate that our Class 100s are really still Class 100s
> -- those are RCS samples.  E.g., The air filtration is a problem
> sometimes.

Because the Orangutangs forget to insert new filters ?

> I am told, JCAHO inspects all of this data and we get into trouble if
> we don't have it.
> We detect the people who don't wash their hands all the time, usually
> new people who come from place that did not do hand culturing -- so
> they think nobody will notice, I guess?

Sounds like the result of Affirmative Action to me...................

PS.Your other articles are very interesting, Dr.Enigl.
PPS.I'm waiting for "External morphology of the primate brain" - I'm sure it
will kick ass (got it through zShop).

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