On 20 Jun 2002 11:04:28 -0000, nicolas_pomies at hotmail.com wrote:
>Hello there,
>I am working actually on coliforms testing...
>I am dealing with concentrated bacterial blends : pseudomonas: NCIMB11358 (stutzeri), NCIMB9494 (putida), NCIMB10643 (spp.) and NCIMB11712(fluorescens).
>Concentration around 1e+09 to 1e+10 CFU/ml.
Hello Nicolas,
you don´t test coliforms, you test pseudomonas. They are gram negativ,
but no coliforms.
>>I am actually using the RVBA "double layer" method @ 30oC / 24h...
>Anyway .... the media going "yellowish",
your pseudomonas produce pigments, especially P. fluorescens, that are
>In another hand, I made trials on media and test kits using ONPG response (ex: COLILERT) for determining Total Colifoms Response...
In COLILERT your Pseudomonas will not grow.
Choose some real coliforms, here in Germany we would use Enterobacter,
Citrobacter, Klebsiella or Serratia
>Thanks for helping....
Greetings Andrea