Im sorry to jump on the "Please look at my site bandwagon". But you guys
could really help me I have built free a website and would welcome any
critisim(cant spell it!). Good and bad thoughts will be welcome.
My site address is
1. I built it using a 17 monitor and wonder if it looks ok on other sizes.
2. Are the colours ok or awful?
3. Is the font too small or too big?
4. What do you think of content.
5. how could the site be improved
The reason for the site was I was diagnosed with a serious illness only to
find after researching on the internet I had been misdiagnosed. I decided
to try and help others not medically trained in finding good information in
one site.
As I have purchased the domain name and will
transfer the site to it soon I would like to know what others think.
Thanks in advance