Forum Invite: 'Where Darwin meets Lamarck?'

Davin C. Enigl enigl at aol.com
Tue Jul 16 10:49:21 EST 2002

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002 04:05:01 GMT, JEDilworth
<bactitech at nospamhortonsbay.com> wrote:

>I remember that one of my professors, a newly minted Ph.D. in Micro, was
>doing some kind of work in "outer space microbiology" way back in 1968.

Many people back then worked with NASA or one of the subcontractors
e.g., the Vitek computer/robot microbial identification systems for
NASA.  I was a guest lecturer for the Vitek Corporation, including
some international lectures, because they are now owned by a French
company and they have a lot of systems in Europe.  They have a system
built for the ISS.  I am not sure if it is installed yet.  Yet have
and have had several systems built to go on Mars missions.

>I have a Yahoo Micro continuing education group. I have over 100
>members, but the only one that seems to post is me 95% of the time.
>You're right - micro people just aren't chatty.

I am not sure why.  I know a lot of microbiologists read these groups.
As far as I know, the ratio of readers to posters is 10:1 in evomech.
It sure keeps the uninformed flaming down.  Informed flaming is, of
course, welcome :-) -- critical analysis.  Some of the mild forms of
flaming can actually stimulate thinking too, as this thread proves. 


>Judy Dilworth, M.T. (ASCP)

I wish you good luck getting people to participate in your discussion
group.  I find discussion groups such as yours are better than NGs
because of the more informed content and less arguing about basic

Thank you for participating in this thread.


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