Conference announcement

Georg van der Staay gvdstaay at sci.kun.nl
Tue Jul 9 03:40:53 EST 2002

International Conference on the Molecular Biology and Biotechnology of 
Ciliates and Anaerobic Protozoa

March 4-6, 2003, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Comparative genomics, evolution of metabolic pathways
Genome structure, gene - organisation and codon usage
Evolution and metabolism of anaerobic protozoa
The Tetrahymena genome project
Biotechnological applications, state-of-the-art
Rumen ciliates
Protozoa in invertebrate guts (termites, cockroaches)
Biodiversity of ciliates and anaerobic protozoa
Phylogeny of photosynthetic protists
Molecular biology and mass culture of ciliates

Key-note speakers:
Martijn Huynen, Nijmegen
Laura Landweber, Princeton
Miklos Müller, New York
Eduardo Orias, Santa Barbara
Thomas Kiy, Celanese, Frankfurt

Invited speakers include:
Andreas Brune (Konstanz), Jean Cohen (Paris); Wilhelm Foissner (Salzburg); 
Jean-Pierre Jouany (Clermond-Ferrand); Hans Lipps (Witten-Herdeke): 
Pierangelo Luporini (Camerino); Michael Melkonian (Köln); Eric Meyer 
(Paris); James Newbold (Aberdeen); Helmut Plattner (Konstanz); Joachim 
Schultz (Tübingen): Aaron Turkewitz (Chicago)

Dept. Evolutionary Microbiology, University of Nijmegen
ERCULE (www.ercule.com)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Protozoologie (DGP)
Supported by FEMS

Local committee:
Johannes Hackstein, Seung Yeo Moon-van der Staay, Georg van der Staay, Theo 
van Alen, Rob de Graaf, Arno Tiedtke

International commitee:
Johannes Hackstein, Arno Tiedtke, Hans-Dieter Görtz, James Newbold, 
Jean-Pierre Jouany, Martin Schlegel, Wilhelm Foissner

For further information, contact Dr. JHP Hackstein (hack at sci.kun.nl).


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