CAN YOU BE OF HELP FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

solomon wateh solomonwate2 at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 31 21:32:07 EST 2002

 Dear Sir,
 Your contact was discretely sourced for among others
 with respect to your position as an international
 acclaimed personality; and we decided in your favour
 as a partner for this business proposal bearing in
 mind that you are of an outstanding reputation to
 usher you in as the beneficiary.

 However, I repose every confidence in you concerning
 your status by virtue of its nature as being utterly
 confidential and with the believe that you could be
 fully trusted to handle this business with the degree
 of confidence it deserves.

 I am DR.SOLOMON WATEGO an Audit Manager with the
 under the Contract Tender Committee. My colleagues
and I in the corporation need the services/assistance
of a competent, trustworthy and reputable foreigner or
 company into whose account the sum of US $6,000,000M
 (Six Million United States Dollars) would be
 remitted before the Deregulation of the Oil sector.

 This fund originated from a deliberate
over-estimation of contracts that was awarded by the
Ministry to foreign companies for drilling, excavation
and spot lifting of black gold (Crude oil) in Portnovo
located in the tiny Republic of Benin. Since, they are
not members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting
 Country, they requested for our Ministry's (Federal
 Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Resources)
 This fund has been lying unclaimed at the Accounts
 Department of the Ministry because it has neither a
 beneficiary nor any file with the corporation. It is
 within this framework, that we have resolved to usher
 you in as the beneficiary of this fund by Legally
 subcontracting the entitlement to you or your company
 based on agreement with you.

 Moreover, the need to contact you or your company is
 deemed fit because the contracts were executed by
 foreign firms and the money cannot go into indigenous
 accounts because the Code of Conduct (COC) of the
 Federal Civil Servants here (Nigeria) restrict us to
a certain level of Banking facilities which does not
 allow us to operate a Domiciliary account; however,
it is imperative to usher you in as a foreign partner
so as to avoid suspicion from unconcerned quarters and
 most importantly, for fear of loosing our jobs.

 Meanwhile, the original contractors of these projects
 had since collected their supposed payments
 accordingly after the commissioning of their works.
 Now, we want to remit this over-estimated amount to a
 reliable overseas account for our personal use and
 investments opportunities. All the certificates and
 proper documentation to effect the transfer shall be
 provided to you for your perusal upon your pledge to
 do this business with us. Subsequently, your support
 will enable us make applications and lodge claims to
 the Ministry's Agencies enabling you to fit in as the
 beneficiary for the claims.

 Please, be informed that this business is closely
 knitted and 100% hitch free and so entails absolute
 confidentiality and in case you are not interested to
 assist, keep it to yourself. Your quick response upon
 your Expression Of Interest (EOI) will enable me stop
 further search for a beneficiary. Reply me
  for further briefing on how to commence this
transaction. I look forward to hearing from you and
your cooperation.

Yours faithfully

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