urgent help please

Brian zhil at online.no
Tue Jan 15 14:19:40 EST 2002

"JEDilworth" <bactitech at hortonsbay.com> skrev i melding
news:3C43A653.38AED68 at hortonsbay.com...
> <snip> I've always resented it when people got through the easy
> way when I busted my butt, and then had the gall to ask how I did it, or
> tried to copy off me (grade school mostly on that last point).

Me too, but then that was a long time ago.
Right now I don't have a deadline, as I'm studying neuroscience on my sparetime.
(Full work in sale and technical)
And it's just for fun, maybe you won't understand why.

Brian (absolutely no doctorate)
PS.I am usually at bionet.neuroscience, but I'm here occationally to see what is

> I'll stop now, because I'm sure you, Paul, don't understand.  That's
> okay - I don't understand your point either, but I won't hold it against
> you :-).
> I don't think we're angry as much as disappointed that he didn't try
> harder on his own.
> Judy Dilworth, M.T. (ASCP)
> Microbiology

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