Which cyanobacteria

Duncan Clark junk at hgmp.mrc.ac.uk
Thu Feb 14 04:17:33 EST 2002

Historians believe that in newspost 
<Pine.SOL.4.10.10202131052300.23417-100000 at yuma.Princeton.EDU> on the 
Wed, 13 Feb 2002, Yoram Gerchman <gerchman at Princeton.EDU> penned the 
following literary masterpiece:
>3. Ideally, the sequence of the photosynthetic genes (mainly psbB and psbC,
>and around) is known.

Go to Genbank find what is sequenced for cyanobacteria and work back 
from there.

I've not worked with cyanobacteria for a number of years but you are 
asking a lot.

The problem with being on the cutting edge is that you occasionally get
sliced from time to time....

Duncan Clark
GeneSys Ltd.

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