
Alan Garnett Alan.Garnett1 at btopenworld.com
Thu Feb 7 19:45:00 EST 2002

Try scraping the cheek just where your nose and cheek meet.  You have to
scrape quite hard with your nail or something hard.  You can soften any
skin/sebum with 10% KOH which should leave any mites intact.

Happy hunting.
Alan Garnett

"Walter Freyne" <walter.freyne at pandora.be> wrote in message
news:MDK78.118695$rt4.10678 at afrodite.telenet-ops.be...
> Dear Sirs
> I am trying to find demodex mites in the sebum of the face but for one
> reason ore the other I cant find them, does anyone know the best way to do
> this ?
> I can easily find them on the hair roots but that is not what I want.
> I think I find one on the surface of the skin but I am not sure,
> I think that one problem is that the sebum is a bit hard and while
> the sebum on the glass and make it thin enough I also destroy the mites.
> It would be ideal to dissolve the sebum with something so the mites are
> but is that possible ?
> Ore a other way to make them more visible ?
> I would like to be able to define how much the concentration is from those
> mites.
> Maybe this will sound stupid in this group but I am just doing this as a
> hobby
> and would like to learn something.
> My apologies if this is impropriate question for this group but I dont
> where to go else.
> Thanks in advance
> email:  walter.freyne at pandora.be

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