Nigeria appears to be full of the most unlucky rich people on the planet
"" MR SEMION NELSON "" <semionnelson1414 at hotmail.com> wrote in message
news:20020806012933.7FF4617A61 at mercury.hgmp.mrc.ac.uk...
>> From the office of MR SEMION NELSON
> Personal assistance to chief Ige
> Office 114 senate building Ikeja Lagos
>>>> I'm offering you this business request, hoping you Will accept it with
warmest heart. I am MR SEMION NELSON. The personal assistance to late
> Attorney General of federation Bola Ige, former Minister for POWER AND
STILL of States Of Nigeria who was brutally murdered by this Government late
last year because of his interest to contest for the 2003
> presidential Election. Before the death of Honorable Ige he had in mind of
coming out for the presidential Election. And he had saved the money to make
sure he concludes the entire plan towards the election.
>> This money was to be used for the completion of Abiokuta still industries
Before his death. The most important issue is that I am the only person who
Knows about it as his confidantes, and was among the signatories. the amount
is (US$18M). Eighteen million Dollars. It is
> my wish with full trust that I am requesting you to assist me on how to
secure this money that was deposited in the bank before his sudden
> death. And get it transferred into your account as one of the people that
supplied The materials used for the still industries but have not
> been paid.
>> Once you respond, we will then incorporate your Establishment in Nigeria
and prepare a suitable supply claim using an invoice sheet to show the
> items supplied and their prices. These will be forwarded to my department
where necessary approvals will be granted and then the money
> Will be sent into your account direct.
> A. 30% for you (Account Owner)
> B. 70% for us, I & my two other colleagues
> Please be informed that this project is assified sensitive. Therefore this
transaction will be most confidential, urgent and treated as a
> matter of trust.
>> I have all necessary legal documents that can be used to back up any claim
we may make. All I require is your honest cooperation to enable us seeing
this deal through. I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate
arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.I wish to hear
from to give you more detail.
>>> ---